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PRESS RELEASE: Logos Institute Presents Inaugural Rising Leader Award

Logos Consulting Group

New York, NY (May 22nd, 2017) – On May 18, 2017, the Logos Institute for Crisis Management & Executive Leadership presented the inaugural Rising Leader Award to Carolina Perez Sanz.

The Rising Leader Award honors new professionals, recent graduates, and students for their extraordinary leadership potential and demonstration of excellence in their work that offers meaningful contributions to the strategic communication profession.

“I’m very proud of this accomplishment,” said Sanz, “I thank Logos for giving me this honor. And I thank Fred; my capstone would have not turned this good without his help.”

Sanz is a recent graduate from the M.S. program in public relations and corporate communication at New York University, where she wrote her final capstone, advised by Logos Institute president Helio Fred Garcia, on how women in male-dominated professions can become leaders and inspire trust more effectively.

Sanz also completed a PhD in applied linguistics at Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset in Spain. For her PhD, she did extensive research into how female broadcasters use their voices when performing on the air. She is also a certified speech therapist, and writes her own blog, Power at Speech, on how voice and speech influence the perception of public figures’ personalities. Carolina is currently an adjunct assistant professor at the Borough of Manhattan Community College, where she teaches public speaking.


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