Logos Consulting Group is pleased to note that The Power of Communication: Skills to Build Trust, Inspire Loyalty, and Lead Effectively by Helio Fred Garcia was recently highlighted in CommPro.Biz’s New York University Strategic Communication, Marketing, and Media Management (SCM3) site:
SCM3 Adjunct Professor Helio Fred Garcia’s Leadership Book Receives Global Acclaim

The Power of Communication arose out of the Strategic Communication course Garcia teaches in NYU-SCPS M.S. Degree in in Public Relations and Corporate Communication program.
Since its publication it has twice been named to the United States Marine Corps Commandant’s Reading List as one of eight leadership titles, required reading for all Marines. It is currently used in universities around the world, as well as at the U.S. Defense Information School and U.S. Marine Corps Brigadier General Select Course. It will be translated into Chinese in China in late 2014 by Pearson Asia Ltd.