Leadership Communication
Certificate Program
Communication has power. Effective leadership communication creates competitive advantage for individuals, teams, and enterprises.
There is a rigor to effective leadership communication. However, too often that rigor is not well known or is ignored by executives who believe that communication at work is equivalent to personal communication, at which most people are proficient. As a result, executives often communicate in ways that not only fail to advance their business aims, but that can lead to a loss of competitive position and little return on the investment of human and other resources.
Our Leadership Communication Certificate Program is designed to enhance an executive’s ability to communicate effectively in the workplace. Our work with executives creates a mindset, instructs on techniques, and provides tools for effective planning, creation, and execution of communication with impact.
There are three levels of the Leadership Communication Certificate Program. The duration and intensity of each certificate level is based on the depth and level of skill desired.
Level 1 of the Leadership Communication Certificate Program is designed to help teams harness the power of communication to lead effectively in their organizations. This certification program is focused on advanced forms of persuasion and connection, as well as building the communication skills necessary to lead effectively.
This certification program is designed for mid- to senior-level career professionals and those seeking to advance to leadership positions.
By the end of this certification program, participants will:
Have a mindset for how to communicate strategically at work.
Understand what it takes to provoke a change within people to achieve a business outcome.
Understand how to effectively plan communication to tangibly advance your business goal(s).
Understand the importance of framing and how to craft a persuasive message and presentation.
Understand how to effectively deliver a presentation in ways that convey calm and confidence, whether in person or through a screen.