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Effective Audience Engagement
- In Person and Remotely

When delivering a high-stakes speech or presentation, the key is to appear calm and confident

if you hope to resonate with your audience.


Our coaching model helps leaders apply best practices to plan for persuasive audience engagement, craft memorable content, and perform, physically and vocally, in ways that inspire confidence. We achieve this by focusing on both verbal and non-verbal communication techniques to ensure clarity of message and the consistent delivery of the message.

We help leaders enhance their leadership presence and effectiveness delivering both good and bad news verbally -- whether to large- or small-groups, via conference call or videoconference, or one-on-one meeting. We have prepared leaders for everything from shareholder meetings to congressional testimony to town-hall meetings to all employee conference calls.

We have also worked with individual executives to help overcome particular obstacles to effective presentations, including physical disability, non-mastery of English, and fear of speaking in public.

  • Understand the physicality of audience engagement to get and keep an audiences' attention.

  • Learn about how to attune your body language and tone of voice to deliver your content with impact.

  • Overcome the distortion of screens to engage audiences effectively through remote technologies.

  • Practice and improve your presentation skills.

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